Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time to set goals

I don't REALLY know what goals to set for myself. I don't know what is realistic. I know I want to lose weight and look fantastic for Christmas, but I don't know how that translates into a number to lose.

What I do know:
1) I weigh 63.5kg
2) I am 157cm tall
3) My smallest waist measurement is 81cm (6cm above my belly button)
4) My 'real' waist measurement is 96cm (taken an inch above my belly button)
5) My hip measurement is 108cm

Based on these numbers:
My BMI is 25.8 and my waist to hip ratio is 0.75 (or 0.89?)

I should be aiming for a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 and a waist to hip ratio of 0.7

So I don't have a huge amount to lose but how far into the 'normal' range should I be aiming?

I do have three kids to work around - or should I say 'three kids to use as excuses'

I also really want to get on the scales and see a number starting with 5 :)

So with that in mind I set the following goals this morning

In One Month I will Tone up my waist, Lose 2 kilos and improve my fitnes. I will do this by following the 12WBT program, make time for regular exercise and focus on improving my will power.

In Three Months I will Tone up my stomach, Lose 5 kilos and wear (not just fit into) size 10 clothes. I will do this by following the 12WBT program focusing on fat burning and ab work.

In Six Months I will maintain my weight and fitness and be feeding my family good food.  I will do this by continuing with the 12WBT program by myself and getting myself into a fitness routine. I will reward myself with experiences an not food! I will also be organised with food and my daily routine making sure I have time to make healthy food choices.

In Twelve Months I will maintain my weight and fitness and be feeding my family good food.  I will do this by continuing to eat fresh and healthy food. I will involve my children in my fitness by running with them at the park and chasing them around as they ride bikes. I will keep active.  I will also be organised with food and my daily routine making sure I have time to make healthy food choices
Now to get going and get active!

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