Thursday, September 16, 2010

I don't REALLY want to post this ...

This is where I am starting from. Its not the heaviest i've been but its certainly the flabbiest my stomach has been. I know stretch marks are a badge of honour Mums wear, but i'd like mine to be on a toned stomach ... and in twelve weeks I plan to show that!


  1. I think you are amazing and brave and what a wonderful thing to do. I had my photos taken today and I have them in a draft post on my blog but I am not quite brave enough to press 'publish'.

    And how cool is your fridge! I have a rewritable calendar on one side - where I organise school evens, birthdays, holidays etc but nothing that would work for meals. I think I may just try and use your idea - I mean - I have enough of those magnets too - lol.

    Good luck for the next 12 weeks. Can't wait to see your 'after' photo.

  2. Thanks for thinking i'm amazing. My main reason for posting my pictures is to remind myself I'm not an "ok" size at the moment. When i'm dressed and everything is being held in I feel like i'm a size 10 (despite the labels telling me i'm a 14). So the more I stick my real body out there the better my chances of sticking with the program.
